How Long Does Rehab Last? Can You Stay Longer in Rehab? Learn More at Skyward Treatment Center

Can You Stay Longer in Rehab

When individuals first seek assistance for substance abuse, they commonly enter the search query “drug and alcohol rehab near me” into a search engine as their first step towards transforming their lives. Lacking clarity on the nature and components of rehabilitation, it is typical to have inquiries about the appropriate destination and the anticipated length of rehab.

Rehabilitation institutions differ in the range of services they provide and the duration of their programs. Prior to embarking on therapy, the majority of individuals inquire, “How Long Does Rehab Last?” The individual’s length or rehab may vary depending on their particular requirements. Others may wonder, “Can You Stay Longer in Rehab?”. The answer is yes.

This guide by experts from Skyward Treatment Center entails a comprehensive summary of both questions with a specific focus on factors that can necessitate staying longer in rehab. Continue reading for more information or engage with our online team of experts for any inquiries regarding rehab near Houston, TX.

How Long Does Rehab Last?

Ultimately, the length of rehab is contingent upon the individual’s active participation in the programs. Following the intake process, skilled personnel help formulate an individualized treatment plan for each patient. A treatment plan is established considering many aspects, such as an individual’s mental health, physical parameters, medical background, family dynamics, and severity of substance abuse.

Inpatient stays can be categorized as short-term rehabilitation, lasting between 28 to 30 days, or long-term rehabilitation, lasting from 60 days to 90 days or more, depending on the individual’s degree of need, treatment objectives, and the program’s framework. Research has shown that an extended stay at rehab can provide additional benefits and achieve higher rates of success compared to shorter treatment periods.

Let’s now shift our attention to the question, “Can You Stay Longer in Rehab?”

Skyward Treatment Center

Can You Stay Longer in Rehab? Why Some May Require Longer Rehab Stays

Indeed, the intensity of addiction may need varying durations of therapy for different individuals. Other reasons why some may require to stay longer in rehab include:

  • No signs of improvement. Upon completion of your first rehabilitation program, healthcare professionals will evaluate your progress to see whether a prolonged duration of stay is essential. They will then make modifications during your subsequent program to address your specific requirements for a more effective treatment strategically.
  • Severe drug addiction. A significant number of patients may need to remain at a rehab longer due to the severity of their drug addiction and the need for extra time to cope with withdrawal symptoms.
  • Previous fruitless efforts to achieve recovery. If an individual has previously attempted but been unsuccessful in conquering their addiction, they may need more prolonged therapy in order to liberate themselves from the cycle of addiction completely.
  • Existence of co-occurring disorders. For those grappling with addiction and comorbid mental health disorders like depression or anxiety, a more extensive treatment regimen may be necessary to address both issues effectively.
  • Insufficient support at home. Insufficiency of a supportive environment post-rehabilitation may require an extended duration of therapy to acquire the essential skills for independent living.

Modifying the level of intensity and duration of rehab is essential for more favorable outcomes.

Reach Out to Skyward Treatment Center for Effective Rehab Options Near Houston, TX.

Deciding to seek addiction treatment is a vital first step. At Skyward Treatment Center, we are here to help you through every step of the process. Our devoted staff provides comprehensive, specialized treatment plans suited to each individual’s specific requirements and circumstances.

We recognize that everyone’s rehabilitation path is unique. This is why we provide a variety of program durations and addiction treatment choices. From the minute you contact us, our objective is to offer you the assistance, tools, and professional care you need to conquer addiction and recover your life. Contact us immediately and take the first step towards a fresh beginning.